At De Anza Water Conditioning, delivering water is our passion, as we feel clean drinking water is one of the most important aspects to overall health and wellness. You know that purified water is a good thing and that there are many
benefits of staying hydrated, but what about all of the other water-related “facts” you’ve heard over the years? Most have heard about drinking eight glasses of water per day, or that drinking a lot of water clears the skin. We’ll weed through some of the commonly held myths and facts and uncover the truth about drinking water.
Drinking Water Myth 1: “Drink Eight Glasses Per Day”
While 64-ounces of water per day is a good starting point, this figure is far too broad for the majority of people. In fact,
WebMD suggests a more accurate personal goal is drinking between .5 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight. First of all, many of us can get most of our needed water through the foods we eat — especially if you abide by a fruit-and-vegetable-rich diet. If you are exercising intensely or live in a hot or humid climate, you may have to increase your water intake to avoid dehydration. The bottom line is this: there is no real benefit for over consuming water, and most of us are just fine with 64-ounces per day. You will be safe if you drink water throughout the day, and try not to wait until you are thirsty. In fact, if you wast that long, you are already dehydrated. Being dehydrated can cause symptoms of thirst as well as confusion, irritability, and fatigue.
Drinking Water Myth 2: “Drink Water to Lose Weight”
This is a huge myth about drinking water, as drinking water doesn’t trigger weight loss. What does occur, though, is a mental shift of sorts that occurs when dieters sip water throughout the day. Drinking water constantly can help keep the mouth busy and provide a sense of satisfaction. Plus, it does fill the stomach somewhat and has zero calories without the additives found in diet drinks.
Drinking Water Myth 3: “Drink Water During Exercise or Risk Dehydration”
According to accepted medical science, dehydration doesn’t occur until an individual has lost 2% of his or her body weight through perspiration. This means that a 175-pound man would have to sweat out about 3.5 pounds of water — which is highly unlikely for most people. If you are working out for an extended period of time in an extremely hot area, you may have to consider extra hydration Experts recommend drinking about 16-ounces of fluid a few hours before exercising.
Drinking Water Myth 4: “Water Improves Your Complexion”
Barring extreme dehydration that can dry out and wrinkle the skin, skin tone is unlikely to visibly change or otherwise benefit from extra water intake. Drinking a glass of water spreads the water throughout the body and doesn’t concentrate it on any one area. That said, well-hydrated skin appears more youthful.
Drinking Water Myth 5: “Bottled Water Is the Best”
Bottled water is a convenient option for those on the go, which is the reason Americans burned through about 50 billion plastic water bottles last year alone. The environmental impact of this convenience is devastating, however. Beyond that, there is a misconception that bottled water is somehow cleaner than tap water. Tap water is regulated by the EPA, while bottled water manufacturers are overseen by the FDA and are not required to disclose the source or treatment methods of their product.
Treated tap water is the cleanest and most affordable option for most consumers.
Regardless of the real facts about drinking water and the debunked drinking water myths, staying hydrated is always positive. Whether or not you’re committed to eight glasses of water per day, you and your family will certainly benefit from a consistent supply of clean, purified, healthy drinking water. Contact the water conditioning experts at De Anza Water Conditioning today, and see just how easy and affordable it is to dramatically improve the water quality of your
home or
place of business. Call today at 408.371.5521 or email
[email protected].