Do you know what is in your drinking water? Would you ever guess that a toxic chemical could find its way into your drinking water?
This morning, I read in the Los Angeles Times ( that the city of Barstow, located in the southern California desert, warned its residents not to drink the water due to contamination by perchlorate. An inorganic chemical, perchlorate interferes with the human thyroid gland, affecting hormones as well as prenatal growth during pregnancies. Perchlorate is found in rocket propellant, fireworks, explosives, flares, matches, and industrial by-products. Yikes! Perchlorate can be removed by compressed, activated carbon only if there is long contact time with the water — which precludes faucet or pitcher-type filters where water passes quickly through the carbon.
The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water Station easily removes perchlorate from water and can alleviate all your water worries. It also removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like pesticides, paints, cleaning supplies, and other materials. Plus, the Kinetico K5 removes 99.99999% of bacteria and 99.99% of viruses, generating bio-pure drinking water as certified by trusted third-party regulators like the Water Quality Association (WQA). In fact, the Kinetico K5 Drinking Water System is certified to remove more contaminants than any other system, and it can produce more than 40 gallons of drinking water daily. In the May 2010 issue of Consumer Reports, the Kinetico K5 ranked number-one among all reverse-osmosis drinking water systems.
The Kinetico K5 Drinking Water System is fashionable as well, offering elegantly dispensed water in a variety of colors and styles—right from your kitchen sink. For more information about the K5, please visit
To obtain a free water analysis, please contact De Anza Water Conditioning at
408.371.5521 or visit our website at
We look forwarding to helping you get the purest, best-tasting drinking water available.